The Cup
By:Eric O'Keefe
Published on 2011 by Slattery Media Group
The Melbourne Cup is a race built on endeavour, endurance and emotion, but few Cups have been influenced by the events that surrounded Media Puzzle's win in 2002 with jockey Damien Oliver on his back. THE CUP is a combination of wonderful stories - the tragedy that has hit generations of Oliver's family; the love of an Irishman for a race on the other side of the world; and the burning but fruitless quest of an oil rich sheikh to win Australia's greatest race. All overwhelmed by the genius of a jockey and his capacity to win for his brother. THE CUP is now a major motion picture directed by Simon Wincer, and featuring popular Australian actor/comedian Stephen Curry as Damien Oliver. The movie is due for release on October 13 2011.
This Book was ranked at 4 by Google Books for keyword racing heart the story of the australian turf.
Book ID of The Cup's Books is iuCB7cNuL3AC, Book which was written byEric O'Keefehave ETAG "5AFnvuLETCs"
Book which was published by Slattery Media Group since 2011 have ISBNs, ISBN 13 Code is 9781921778360 and ISBN 10 Code is 1921778369
Reading Mode in Text Status is false and Reading Mode in Image Status is false
Book which have "255 Pages" is Printed at BOOK under CategoryHorse racing
This Book was rated by Raters and have average rate at ""
This eBook Maturity (Adult Book) status is NOT_MATURE
Book was written in en
eBook Version Availability Status at PDF is falseand in ePub is false
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