Jojo! What Happened to Your Hair?
By:Craig Colquitt
Published on 2018-05-22 by Fitting Words
|Based on an actual conversation between former Pittsburgh Steeler, Craig Colquitt and his grandson; a simple question leads to a funny exchange. But it ends with a tender, unforgettable connection that only grows sweeter with the passing of time. Drawn from an amazing life story, former NFL player Craig Colquitt helps both grandparents and parents share something so profound and powerful that it will resound in young lives for years, if not generations.|
This Book was ranked at 29 by Google Books for keyword bowl with bryant.
Book ID of Jojo! What Happened to Your Hair?'s Books is GV9wswEACAAJ, Book which was written byCraig Colquitthave ETAG "BNSdpzHUkCg"
Book which was published by Fitting Words since 2018-05-22 have ISBNs, ISBN 13 Code is 9780997913668 and ISBN 10 Code is 0997913665
Reading Mode in Text Status is false and Reading Mode in Image Status is false
Book which have " Pages" is Printed at BOOK under Category
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Book was written in en
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