Hussars, Horses and History
By:John Strawson
Published on 2007-01-01 by Casemate Publishers
John Strawson describes joining the 4th Hussars in the Middle East in 1942 and serving with them until amalgamation with the 9th Hussars in 1958 as The Queen s Royal Irish Hussars. He commanded the Regiment during the Borneo campaign and was Colonel from 1975 to 1985. His account of war in Italy and of operations in Malaya and Borneo are of special interest.This light-hearted memoir reveals devotion to his family, friends, Regiment and to horses. His adventures with horses and hounds, whipping-in to the legendary Loopy Kennard, and during his time as Master of the Staff College Draghounds are particularly diverting. Addiction to reading and writing led to authorship of twelve military history books.Military appointments included command of a brigade, two years at SHAPE and finally Chief of Staff, UK Land Forces. He then describes working as Westland Aircraft s Military Adviser, mainly in the Middle East and gives a vivid account of life in Cairo in the latter 1970s.In sum General Strawson shows how enjoyable, how varied, sometimes how demanding a soldier s life can be, above all how rewarding, made so by the priceless quality of the regimental system and the comrades with whom he served.|
This Book was ranked at 30 by Google Books for keyword horses their role in the history of man.
Book ID of Hussars, Horses and History's Books is 5KFbN3gFKE0C, Book which was written byJohn Strawsonhave ETAG "D5etvrUDSJk"
Book which was published by Casemate Publishers since 2007-01-01 have ISBNs, ISBN 13 Code is 9781844155828 and ISBN 10 Code is 184415582X
Reading Mode in Text Status is false and Reading Mode in Image Status is true
Book which have "246 Pages" is Printed at BOOK under CategoryBiography and Autobiography
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