Dorothy Brooke and the Fight to Save Cairo's Lost War Horses
By:Grant Hayter-Menzies
Published on 2017-11 by U of Nebraska Press
Born in June 1883 to an aristocratic Scottish family, Dorothy Gibson-Craig was brought up with dogs and horses. In 1926 she married Maj. Gen. Geoffrey Brooke, recipient of the Distinguished Service Order in World War I and a writer on equine culture. She followed her new husband to Cairo, where she discovered thousands of malnourished and suffering former British war horses leading lives of backbreaking toil and misery. Brought to the Middle East by British forces during the Great War, these ex-cavalry horses had been left behind at the war's end, abandoned like used equipment too costly to send home. In Dorothy Brooke and the Fight to Save Cairo's Lost War Horses Grant Hayter-Menzies chronicles not only the lives and eventual rescue of these noble creatures, who after years of deprivation and suffering found respite in Brooke's Old War Horse Memorial Hospital, but also the story of the challenges of founding and maintaining an animal-rescue institution on this scale. The legacy of the Old War Horse Memorial Hospital and its founder endures today in the dozens of international Brooke animal-welfare facilities dedicated to improving the lives of working horses, donkeys, and mules across Africa, Asia, and Latin America. The author, Grant Hayter-Menzies, is making a donation of 20% of the royalties from the book to The Brooke Hospital for Animals and 20% of the royalties to its affiliate in Egypt, Brooke Hospital for Animals (Egypt). Neither the author or the publisher receives any payment from Brooke or any other party in connection with sales of this book.The Brooke Hospital for Animals is a charity registered in England and Wales no. 1085760.
This Book was ranked at 27 by Google Books for keyword horses their role in the history of man.
Book ID of Dorothy Brooke and the Fight to Save Cairo's Lost War Horses's Books is iYc3DwAAQBAJ, Book which was written byGrant Hayter-Menzieshave ETAG "neqg8v3sxj8"
Book which was published by U of Nebraska Press since 2017-11 have ISBNs, ISBN 13 Code is 9781612349749 and ISBN 10 Code is 1612349749
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Book which have "240 Pages" is Printed at BOOK under CategoryBiography and Autobiography
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